Meet the Team


Master of Applied Positive Psychology (MAPP), BHSc (Complementary Medicine), Adv Dip App Sci (Naturopathy)

Claire is passionate about empowering people with the tools to flourish in all spheres of life, ensuring time is created for a little self-care. Having completed her Masters in Applied Positive Psychology at the University of Melbourne, Claire enjoys finding ways to bring to life empirically based strategies for wellbeing, through the creation of retreat experiences that nourish both body and mind. 

Claire initially began her career in the Spa industry as as a naturopath, consultant and trainer working at various international spa destinations, before coming home to further her studies in the field of positive psychology, coaching and wellbeing. She currently collaborates with Order of Australia Member, Professor Lea Waters, on the creation and delivery of school wellbeing programs and strength-based parenting resources, regularly facilitating professional developments sessions for staff across Australia.

Claire particularly enjoys getting into a state of ‘flow’ on the dance floor with some flamenco shoes and good rhythms. Her inspiration for zest are her two young children Ari and Priya, who love to play lego, climb, and sing along to Mamma Mia with her. 


Director at Centella Wellness, Dip Herbal Medicine

Samuel initially studied herbal medicine and nutrition in Australia before working in London and South East Asia as a wellness consultant and practitioner. Over the years, Samuel has continued his exploration into the philosophy and practice of Holism and mind body medicine, 

Samuel's work as a natural health practitioner and consultant throughout Asia, Australia and the UK has seen him take on various roles from individual coaching and workshop facilitation, to the design and development of natural health centres and retreat destinations.

Samuel currently offers coaching and mentoring to individuals, groups and organisations looking to deepen their insight into the principles and practices of health and natural living.

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